Ghislain Grimalt


FULL NAME:Ghislain Vincent Grimalt
RACE:Elezen (Wildwood)
ETHNICITY:Sharlayan + Ishgardian
NAMEDAY:6th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
GENDER:Cis male
OCCUPATION:Author, arcanist, bibliomancer
HOME:Splits his time between Sharalayan and Ishgard

A Sharlayan bibliomancer and author, Ghislain left home seeking knowledge and inspiration beyond his beloved bookshelves. In seeing the world outside the perspective presented on the page, he's found abundant fuel for his muse. If only he spent less time looking for inspiration and more time writing down his ideas.


HAIR:Black, chin length
HEIGHT:6 fulms 9 ilms
BUILD:Lithe, but toned due to his lifestyle.
SCARS:One on his left cheek from beneath his eye to his jawline that interrupts his beard. There are others, but he conceals them beneath his clothing.

Ghislain projects an outward appearance of an elegant man. His attire is impeccably tailored and well-made. A strand of hair out of place or a loose thread aren't welcome in his life and he's quick to remedy either.A man of sharp features, if he's lost in thought one might assume he's upset. He counters this with easy, frequent smiles. And with the warm, amused tone to his voice, as if he's just heard something so wonderfully funny, it's hard to imagine Ghislain angry.Until he is. When his patience snaps his features are as sharp as a razor's edge. What warmth colored his voice can go ice cold in the blink of an eye. All his painstaking efforts to present a refined and welcoming appearance falters as soon as his control on his temper does. And he snaps so easily if one knows the right buttons to press.


Good ListenerDefensive

Despite his debilitating case of resting bitch face, Ghislain's smiles come readily once he's pulled back from wherever his imaginative mind wandered. And, once he's present in a conversation, be warned! He's a talkative sort! And, for how long it takes him to get to the point, it's like he's paid a gil per word he utters! But he's as good of a listener as he is a rambler. Ghislain delights in hearing tales from other people's lives. Even the most mundane of stories seems to fascinate him! The best inspiration for his writing stems from real world experiences after all. And while he might be lacking in some areas when it comes to that, Ghislain has no shame when it comes to borrowing from others people's lives for his books.Polite, personable, and pretty, he makes for good company so long as no one pries too much into his past. He might pepper someone with questions all night long but should they poke too much at his history, he'll dance away from giving away too much. Or, at least, too much truthful information about his life. He has no qualms with lying and his creative nature aids him in such deceptions.And, while he plays the part of a light-hearted joker, should someone anger or upset him all pretenses at pretend cease. He's as quick to write someone off as he is to befriend them. His tongue can be as sharp as his quill, and he isn't one to spare the most cutting remarks when his temper finally peeks out from behind his façade of a foolish fop.He could keep quite warm in the coldest of winters thanks to the flames from all the bridges he's burned.

Quills and Inks
Historic Sites
Archon Loaf
Menacing People
Boring People
Reptilian Creatures
Messing Up His Clothes
Very Salty Foods
Bad Manners
Opening Up


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Click images to enlarge!

Artists, in order, are: Ybee, Greer, and Dokinana.


● Massive spoiler warnings! Much of his backstory is shared here! ●

● I suggest looking at my ooc section for content warnings before reading this. ●

Some years ago Ghislain was born in Emporium to parents dreadfully in love with one another. His father, a noted researcher into Allag and their summoning practices, met his mother when she came to the Sharlayan colony to study. A daughter of Ishgard, she was already betrothed to another and in choosing Griovaux over her intended Orline found herself disowned—but not dissauded from her chosen path. Having no regrets and hearts full of love, the two raised their son in a home full of laughter, easy affection, and so much warmth.It was not to last.When Ghislain was eight his mother perished during an experiment at Saint Mocianne's Arboretum. An experiment she brought her son to work to witness as no one could've anticipated what happened. In his grief following Orline's death, Griovaux took his own life. While it was a regrettable choice, it was all the more terrible for the guilt he placed on his young son's shoulders in his final note. A note that Ghislain found and read. Once a easygoing boy quick to laugh and full of lively stories, Ghislain withdrew after the loss of his parents. His maternal grandparents rejected the request to take him in and he was shipped back to Sharlayan instead. There he moved in with his paternal grandparents in a home that was so cold it was if it'd never known warmth at all. If his father knew what was to happen to his son, that he would be raised by the people who had been so terrible to him, would he have stilled his hand?A question Ghislain often asked as the years went on and his living conditions grew more hellish. Grauxaut and Naillonne Grimalt were strict taskmasters with their son. Their desire to see Griovaux succeed bordered on obsessive. His wants and needs and dreams were ignored as they'd determined his destiny before he was even conceived. Having lost control of their child when he'd fled home to escape them, they were determined to remedy their past failures when given a second chance at shaping their family legacy. And they held no hesitation when it came to shaping things with firm, ruthless hands. A gifted boy when it came to magic and with deep reserves of aether to wield it, Ghislain was an ideal candidate in many ways.And an unquestionably terrible one in many more.There was no spark to the boy. He lacked passion and his eagerness for his books was only to escape the reality of his life. What had once been a joyous existence was misery. And that misery wasn't to end any time soon. The only thing that bought him any relief from his overbearing grandparents was success in the skills they'd commanded he master. If he showed promise and aptitude for his lessons he was shown a sliver of kindness from his caretakers. Hungry for any affection, Ghislain threw himself into his studies. Lacking friends, lacking support, lacking anything but the hope for a kind word or gentle touch, he fixated wholly on appeasing his grandparent's demands. What had been an unworthy boy they molded through their cruel expectations into the child they'd thought they had in Griovaux.But like his father, Ghislain disappointed them in the end.While he kept to himself at the Studium, leading many to believe his aloofness stemmed from self-importance, there was one young woman determined to get to know him. Miriette saw through him at first glance. She could tell it was shyness and social ineptitude that had Ghislain keeping his own company over that of any other. Her desire to befriend him was baffling to the young man who spent most of his time in his books or in caught up in daydreams of a life he thought impossible to achieve. His grandparents always cautioned him that any would-be friend came with expectations for their kindness. No hand is ever offered freely, they'd warned. But, when it came to Miriette, he began to disobey for the first time in a decade.Eventually her determination was rewarded with his devoted friendship and affection—and later his love. A love that rendered them parents when they were both just barely in their second decade of life. However, Miriette was a sickly young woman and her parents had objected to the two being involved whatsoever in fear for her health. To find them swiftly wed and their daughter with child? Their wrath was without end and even more so when Miriette succumbed to her lifelong illness before her son saw his first nameday. The sickness sadly infected the child as well and, despite all of Ghislain's desperate attempts to find a cure first for his beloved and then his son, it was all for naught.Held firm in the embrace of his grief, were it not for a promise to Miriette he might've taken a cue from his father's grieving process. But he'd promised her that he'd never take his own life and that he'd see the world for them both. Lost in the fog of his sorrow, living his life on automatic, Ghislain graduated the Studium with a middle of the road thesis. One that wasn't innovative enough to earn his Archon marks—a failure that earned him the eternal ire of his grandparents.Desperate to escape a home full of misery, Ghislain left. Somehow he managed to escape the isle though no amount of distance was enough to free his heart of its burdens. Grief took its toll and it continues to do so to this day. Each book he writes, each romance he crafts for the page, are reminders that love is only for fools and fictional characters.He's been a fool before and if his existence is a fiction, he's ready for the final act.


While I'm down to do any of my suggested hooks, I'm also very open to hearing ideas if nothing here suits your character or RP interests! Message me and we can work something out! ♥

Son of Sharlayan
While he was born in Emporium, Ghislain moved back to Sharlayan as a young boy where he was educated by multiple tutors and later graduated from the Studium. Other native Sharlayans might've crossed paths with him at some point. Maybe they even attended the Studium at the same time. The Ghislain of that time was much different than the man he is today.
I Ain't Afraid of No Ghosts
He harbors a deep fascination for ghosts and other worldly creatures. Collecting cursed objects, hunting down spirits, seeking mediums to converse with the dead are all common pastimes of his. Is your character also interested in life after death? Seeking answers that only the dead can offer? Or perhaps they're someone that could provide insight into the afterlife?
Prolific Author
Ghislain is an author of multiple romance novels. Perhaps your character has read one and has feelings (good or bad!) they wish to share with him.
Tell Me More?
The best sort of stories contain a kernel of truth. And the best place to harvest those kernels is from the lives of others. Ghislain delights in meeting new people and borrowing their life stories to inspire his books. Let him buy you a drink and borrow yours in turn?

Grimalt? Sounds familiar...
Ghislain's family name might be known to other Sharlayans and possibly other scholars. His father published several collected volumes of research into ancient Allag, with a focus on summoning, and his grandfather operated a private school for arcanima lessons until he passed a few years ago. Maybe your character is familiar with his father's work or attended said lessons.


Olivier Grimalt

It might be terribly cliché to say, but Olivier (or, as he prefers, Olive) is Ghislain's muse. While their paths crossed by sheer happenstance, their conversation evolved from polite to something straight off the pages of one of Ghislain's books: a whirldwind romance! After much turmoil, drama, intrigue, and ponze of passion, the pair has worked out all the unwanted kinks in their relationship to have recently wed. Ghislain is obsessed with his husband, and 9 times out of 10 he will find a way to relate any and everything to his husband. He's deeply in love in a deeply obsessed way and it's completely mutual on Olive's end.

Garrett Sadova

The owner of Byregot's Ward, the two met years ago when Ghislain answered Garrett's help wanted ad. And, while Ghislain wasn't perhaps the most helpful of employees, he found himself enjoying Garrett's company during his time in the Ul'dahn's employ. After an unfortunate discussion, Ghislain proved how willing he is to burn a bridge as he disappeared from the Ward. Moons later a book about 'Barrett Tadova' appeared on shelves across Eorzea as Ghislain lashed out before disappearing entirely. Recently reunited, the two managed to put old times behind them.

Isi Eryskaris

Perhaps no one ever warned Isi that feeding strays might encourage them to stick around. The viera made Ghislain a homecooked meal and all it took was one bite to glue the gremlin of an elezen to her. While he started to refer to her as his mother as a joke, as an attempt to discourage the kindness he didn't know how to take, teasing turned into something else. It isn't fair of him to project his mommy issues onto Isi, but he isn't aware he's doing it—yet. Ghislain sincerely enjoys her company and often the two seem to be of the same mind on most subjects. Unless that subject is Archon Loaf.

Rowan Flynn

Ghislain is certain that he's one of the Captain of the Ward's least favorite coworkers. Whether that assessment is true or not, he certainly hasn't taken great pains to prove to Rowan he's more than a menace. After ignoring Rowan's warnings to stop writing about him, Ghislain found himself realizing just how many lines he'd crossed. While he aims to try and make it up to the other man now, every effort he takes seems to blow up in his face. But, as a masochist, it's unlikely Ghislain will give up any time soon. And if Rowan shows him the violent side of his temper? It might just deepen the elezen's fondness for him.His feelings on Rowan in one video. (NSFW due to language only; thanks Garrett for this cursed content!)

C'yaluh Vidmulye

Another employee of the Ward, Ghislain was readily drawn to C'yaluh. The moment he began to read one of Ghislain's books aloud, aiming to embarrass Garrett in doing so, Ghislain couldn't help but be fond of the miqo'te. After discovering common ground in their magical interests, Ghislain was desperate to befriend C'yaluh. Though, friendship isn't something Ghislain is adept at. Burning bridges is more his speed, but he's hellbent on impressing C'yaluh. And, beyond that, he genuinely wishes the best for the other man. If his fortune or his ties to his homeland can offer C'yaluh any advantages or joy, Ghislain is happy to offer them up.


A reporter at The Daily Moogle, Ghislain and Kami crossed paths due to their shared passion for the written word. While he might not know the miqo'te as well as he'd like, he knows he likes her quite a bit. Clever and curious, he appreciates Kami's dedication to her craft. He maintains a subscription to her publication and can often be found reading it in his idle hours. Kami's well written, insightful articles bring him much joy—as does her company.

● Aluette Skatay ●

Ghislain is intrigued by Aluette. A fan of his work, when they met she had plentiful praise for him—and praise is his favorite meal. As the conversation went on it became clear that she was willing to indulge his eccentric behavior in a way few others would abide. That indulgence for his masochistic streak earned Aluette a fan of her own. She's a mystery he wants to further unravel and Ghislain enjoys spending time with her—even if that time is spent wondering what her true motives might be. No one is that kind to him without cost, without expectations, and he's eager to discover what Aluette's fee will entail.


she/her ● Mateus ● EST ● 21+

Hi! I'm Bogwing or just Bog. I'm a 21+ gremlin with many years of experience in XIV and other settings. I love collaboration and crafting engaging, exciting stories with my fellow RPers. The creative aspect of RP is really my jam and I'm always looking for new friends to jam with! ♥

  • LGBTQIA+ friendly and not looking to vibe with bigots of any flavor.

  • I tend to mirror the post length of whomever I'm writing with, but I lean towards longer ones. (Though I adjust for crowded social settings!)

  • OOC =/= IC and vice versa, but if you try and spring my Hard Pass themes on me IC while knowing my OOC boundaries, goodbye. OOC respect should trump supposed IC integrity. You write and control your character, and if you make the choice to disrespect other players like that? No thanks.

  • Communication is key! Let's keep channels open so we both have a good time!

  • Ghislain is big Gifted Kid Burnout vibes.

RP Theme Preferences

Hell YesI Dig ItMehHard Pass
Slice of LifeMystery SolvingCanon CharactersRandom ERP
Supernatural ThemesShort Term RPEndless Combat RPDetailed Torture Scenes
Magical Research/StudyAdventure/Open WorldExtreme Lore BendingDub/Noncon
Long term RPRomanceAscians/WoL CharactersChild or Animal Abuse

Notes on Potential Triggers

Ghislain has a history that touches on subjects that can be triggering for some. (See below.) While he isn't the sort of character to discuss any of the following openly, often—or usually willingly—if our characters become close it has the potential of coming up or being hinted at in his RP. If any of these themes are things that make you uncomfortable, please let me know OOC and I will make sure that they never are mentioned IC. RP is fun and I want you to have fun while writing with me! There's no reason for anything that upsets you OOC to come up in our scenes together!

__Potentially Triggering Themes __

  • Suicidal Ideation

  • Past parental figure abuse

  • Past dubious consent

  • Child death

  • Partner death

  • Self-destructive tendencies

  • Drug use (not abuse, but definitely tied into the previous)

Aren't some of these themes present in Ghislain's history on my Hard Pass list? Yes. They're backstory elements, and by and large none of them have been written out in detail! If your character also has themes on my Hard Pass list, it isn't necessarily that I don't want to interact/for it to come up IC. Rather, those are themes I don't wish to actively write in RP/get into descriptive content regarding! I'm fine with darker RP and scenes, but communication is absolutely necessary for them to happen. If we can't talk about it OOC, I can't write sticky subjects with you IC!